Parts of SE PA are similar to NJ from what friends tell me of the Garden State.
I hunt public and some private bordering public and it'd be dead certain, Deadsimple, if I left it, it would be gone when I got back.
I know people have come back to find the tree cut down their stand was in and stand is gone!
I got quite good at putting up a hang on daily, actually, 2x Daily, on public land... Dark up in AM, Dark down in PM.
It's SWEET when there isa place I occassionally hunt where I leave it at Dead Dark 30 and am back in it hour before daylight next day. Sweet, I tell ya!
I know stands that are set before archery on state lands and never hunted till gun season. I just hunt nearby. I admire your ethics to avoid the area...but do so only if there is someone in the stand.
I've had so many situation where I'm in there early to set up and just at dawn, here come a couple yahoos stumblin along and set up just at daybreak...right close to me... On those days, I end up either tuffin it out cause I trust my trail more'n theirs, or I just move out and set up elsewhere...irksome, but as a 'po bo' hunting public land, it is what it is.
Now...not only do stands left bother me, but I'll hunt "nearby" if nobody is in it...but what about all those bright eyes left in trees that look like airport runways headed into some soul's stand site and the tacks are left there...forever...
I hate walkin in the woods at dark to find dozens of trails marked and tacks left! That's my gripe!