I've seen a wide variation in what some hogs will and will not tolerate from one place to another. I actually recently saw "stupid" hogs for the first time in my life. They let me stand there and shine a flashlight on them. The first 12,000 hogs would not let me do that.
Here's the deal, I see and hear someone all the time telling of an event happening with hogs that I feel is simply unheard of. Just goes to show you that no matter how much a guy knows, there is always something that he doesn't. I can tell you first hand that I've seen very few hogs that would ollerate a pop-up blind without being totally alarmed by it's presence. Now I'm sure there will be dozens of guys who went hog hunting once upon a time that had a blind work. Maybe they do but I simply quit trying after so mant times of having them circle the blind to smell what it was. Yes, I too have shot them from a pop-up but I consider those times to be luck of the draw. I'd most advise asking your Outfitter. There is no man on his ranches than know more than he does. Trust your Outfitter!!!!If he is worth a damn he'll be doing everything in his power to share his knowlege so that you don't have to suffer through the learning curve that he has already suffered through for you. Use what nature gives you, don't enter a new place and start spraying scents and baits that they aren't used to, and most of all go very slow and don't try and rush anything. It'll come together and you'll be posting pics here when you return. Good luck on your hunt. CK