Get a ghillie suit Imade mine in 1981 and when the wind blows hunt the standing corn or old grown up farms around old hay fields bedding thickets all works good for me.Any where theres deer.
Three ways to stalk.1.When the wind blows hard.Anywhere corn old farms,timber.thickits the thicker these place are the better.
2.Unpressured animals.
3.Walking up the back side of hills or ridges and peeking over.Wind in your face alway when.Get all these condishions at once and your set.
I was taught to stalk super slow to I spot the deer.[I deer hunt]Then I use the indian method.An old bowyer that not only hunted off the ground with a selfbow for 60 years but was 1/2 Iroquois.And was a good friend of mine.Did it like this.
Once the deer was spoted and was in a spot that could be stalked.When ever the deer was'nt looking his way or could'nt see him,he'd crouched downn and make a few quick steps.Or when he thought the deer might look up and see him he'd go slow.H'ed make those quick little steps.
By doing this I've seen him get with in 15 yards over and over.He'd say 75% of deer arn't stalkable.But if you use the three things I talked about and with time you can do it.He tryed every deer he'd see hunting,scouting, stumping,shed hunting or just out walking.Back then I'd tryed not to disturb them at all.
Other than an old camo shirt he'd where brown coat and pants.He once told me that he'd tryed to stalk every deer he thought he coud.He said he'd tryed tos talk around 500 or so deer in his life and reached at least 200 most were just for fun.I beleive him because I saw him stalk 13 bucks and kill 6 under 20 yards.
I was in all when we he stalked and kill the first one.I'd been a stand hunter for years.Up untill then I'd tryed well I'd given up stalking all together.Then as far as Iwas concerner it was a wast of time.Exspicaly when it came to buck hunting.Which by then thats all I did.
Since 1981 with his help and 100's fo trys I stalked and killed 11 bucks with my own selfbows.5 in there beds in corn fields.Twice I've touched doe's with my bow.With a ghillie on and 25 mph winds.Wind is the ticket to stalking.
It's when and where.