UPDATE: 1 door closed, looking for an open window :-)
After recieving initial permission and before being able to present the idea to the board of the conservation club (board meeting 3-18 )I recieved a letter stating that we couldn't use the conservation club.
It is a little disappointing as I should have at least been able to present the idea to the board before they made a final decision.On the bright side the board wanted anyone that used the property to pay 50 dollars to join thier club, which was unacceptable to me, so it's best we not consider them to host the club.
In my opinon though if they won't support us as trad shooters, I don't think I'll support thier shoots or anything else they have. Am I thinking wrong on this? I don't like the rug being pulled out from under me ,especially after recieving unformal permision.
Time to look ahead. I will check and see if we could possibly use the archery range at Atterbury wma as a place to meet. I'll also check into Presnells. I know he lets the Christian Bowhunters have shoots there.
I'll end the same way I began. When a door closes, the good Lord opens a window. I'll be looking for that window :-) If anyone has any ideas, jump in as this idea belongs to everyone, not just me