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Author Topic: We Need Spooky Stories!!!  (Read 725 times)

Offline Beepy

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We Need Spooky Stories!!!
« on: March 05, 2009, 09:14:00 PM »
Another thread got me thinking, and since the traditional Halloween spooky stories are still months away.... I need to hear them!  I have heard some good ones... one about beaver trappers back in the 1800's.  Anyways, I need to replenish my stories for the scouts this coming summer!!  Lets hear 'em!  Re-posts are fine too!!!

Offline Bakes168

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Re: We Need Spooky Stories!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2009, 10:30:00 PM »
I'd like to hear some too  :D

"A hunt based only on trophies taken falls short of what the ultimate goal should be...time to commune with your inner soul as you share the outdoors with the birds, animals, and fish that live there"
-Fred Bear

James 2:19-20

USMC Infantry

Offline Roy Steele

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Re: We Need Spooky Stories!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2009, 01:33:00 AM »
I've never told anyone this.This story is  true facts,Iwas there.These 2 old farm boys I knew and aways let me hunt,rented this farm.I knew was hot because the farmer that had owned it for 30 years had'nt let a soul on it, an he didi'nt hunt.So they said I can bow hunt,but the old farmer that use to own the farm don't let no one on his land exspicaly hunters.I laughed it off,and they both laughed.But I could tell they were'nt laughing with me but at me.But I thought to myself he'd been dead for 4 or 5 years.And let be bow hunt,no one else hunted it.Except them and they just carryed it around in the truck or on the tractor.Maybe the first couple of days of rifle season.
  I scouted it out,hung a couple hang on's.I was on my 3th time walking in before day light.I had a 15 minite walk to get there 15 to 20 minites early to weight for daybreak.
   All 3 times don't tell me how but I could just tell someone was following up the trail.I'd walked in the dark 100's and 100's  to my stands in the dark with out a light,I've never used a flash light to walk in.And as I sat in my stands,I had that feeling that someone was watching me the whole time.I just can't explain it.
   I had'nt hunted my evening stand yet.Waiting for the right wind.Now this place had deer wrote all over it.You could see the trails in the hard wood leaves with no problem.
  I'd made 3 morning hunts and not a buck.I'm a buck hunter.I hav'nt seen a deer.Finlly the wind changed.I was there by 1 o'clock.Right away I heard the farmers I knew down in the lower field next to my morning stand.what a time for the wind to change.Ikmew the deer were running right by it getting away from the tractor.Again no deer.
  When I got out of the truck,the next morningI heard them cutting corn.I knew my morning stand was at a trail 75 yards back leading from the corn.So I'd hunt that stand.Well after I climed up I heard the tractor headed up through the field.Again no deer.Wrong call.
   Next morning as I got out of the truck.And sure enough I could hear the farmers headed down to the corn before first light.So I hunted the trail leading from the corn again.
   The farmers  were'nt cutting the corn they were plowing the field above it.Again after I saw no more deer. LeavingI saw the one guy at the barn so I stoped to talk.His brother came out of abuilding to talk.He knew I only buck hunted and knew I called in alot and calledup alot of bucks.
   I said I'd had'nt seen a buck in 5 trips #@%&# I hav'nt seen a deer.Jokein I said I'd see alot more it you all'ed stop riding around on that tractor before day light.We'd just just got this tractor over to this farm.To start cutting corn.The one thats here's shot.
   They looked at each other and just laughed as hard as they could.They said between gasps of air.Just the old man plowing or cuten corn.You can hear him every morning and eveninng,spring or fall.We herer him all tha time.Down next to that big point that runs out into tha corn.
   Now these are old farmers carryed a gun all the time.No strangers to deer.He could'nt believe I'd hunt their 5 times an had'nd seen a buck.Theyed even see a couple 140's running around.
   Well I told them where I'd put my stands.He said you did'nt put them there did you,more laughs.Right where that big finger of hard woods juts way out into the big corn field about half way.You can't hunt there,why not I asked,because the old lady who owns the farm said we could hunt any of the 900 acres but that 100 acres.Why I said,because thats where her husbands layed to rest.Right under those two beachnut trees.
  Here's the kicker my morning stand 100 yards to the east of the corn field,evening srand 75 yards to the west of the beachnut trees.Why I had'nt seen it before scouting or just seting there.But there it was a grave and headstone surounded by a split rail fence.Sorry but there's no way it was their.No way I'd seen it for sure.It was'nt hidden I'd set there an seen the beach nut trees.And I looked that way all the time.BecauseThey reminded me of granddady.Because cas a boy they fish along the river under beachnut trees.Because lighting won't hit the.He said where they were from they were called INDAIN UMBRELLS.Anyway.
   Left that part a lone hunted 6 more times saw 7 bucks killed an 8 point with my self bow.Been hunting it for 6 years,killer 9 bucks with my selfbows.No more tractors no one ever followed me again.
    The farmer boys say they can still here the tractor fall morning.As for me I stay away from that point and that corn field.

Offline Beepy

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Re: We Need Spooky Stories!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2009, 07:18:00 PM »
Thanks Roy!  I'm sure there's more out there....!

Offline Dave2old

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Re: We Need Spooky Stories!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2009, 08:06:00 PM »
Well, there's my Bigbutt encounter several years ago, but I've told it elsewhere and way too long to retell here. And then ... have I told you about my wife?

Oops! Just kidding. She's the dream that keeps my nightmares at bay.

Bottom line for me with scary stories is a quote from grizzly bear guru and Vietnam Green Beret Doug Peacock, which I paraphrase from distant memory, to wit: "I never carry a piece (handgun) in grizzly country. I always carry a piece in big cities."  

My fears run much the same way. "We have nothing to fear but ... ourselves." Sweet dreams, dave

Offline Wannabe1

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Re: We Need Spooky Stories!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2009, 10:09:00 PM »
This is a Poem I wrote while deployed a few years ago and had posted on Tradgang. A lot of new people so, thought you might like it.


I decended into the valley of shadow
Named, for it's immense overhead
My stomache was doing flip flops
My legs were all filled with dread

My head was filled with the stories
Of the ghosts that haunted these woods
Especially, the one of the "Monarch"
Seven feet high he's said to have stood

Antlers as wide as the branches
And mossy like an old oak tree
With eyes of burning coal, he snorted fire
And could stomp you quicker than three

Now, I am a man by many rights
I have never backed down from one
And when the dare was set before me
I felt the cold chill me to the bone

I was dared to hunt the long feared valley
Just me and my trusty bow
So, I showed no fear as I accepted
But I had no confidence to show....

Finally, the day of the hunt
It approached me way too soon
I set out with my bow named "Killer"
By the light of a silvery moon

And we decended into that valley
Not knowing what might be in store
I said a silent prayer, to the wind
To just see my family once more

Now, after a couple hours of stalking
I cut upon a churned up trail
And decided to follow it, hoping
It didn't lead me straight into hell

But, as fate or luck would have it
I ended up on the edge of a clearing
And in the center stood a herd of cows
Perhaps one or two a yearling

I let my eyes roam over this harem
And they beheld a magnificent sight
There stood the biggest bull I had ever seen
A king by any right

I realized with a sudden clarity
This was the monster of all those stories
But, it was not a demon that I gazed upon
Just a bull in his full glory

So, I formed a plan and began my stalk
And closed the distance within twenty yards
This creature, a wonder of nature
Would be mine, if I could just play my cards

I brought "Killer" up, with an arrow to bare
And took him to full draw
When the "Monarch" swung his regal crown
It was then, in his eyes I saw

The defiance of many an unchallenged year
He roamed this valley so low
And carried the weight of an old timer
By the display upon his brow

I let down on the string of "Killer"
And bid the ole King hello
Then silently melted back into the woods
And headed myself for home

Now I never revealed that chance meeting
With any of the people that I know
And the king is still the king
Somewhere in the valley of shadow

Desert Shield/Storm, Somalia and IOF Veteran
"The Mountains are calling and, I must go!" John Muir

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