I have a bad case of spring fever so I decided to enjoy the 57 degree temps today and take my boys on a little stumping/scouting hike today. The weather was perfect! I had a long sleeve shirt on and was comfortable. The property I'm hunting on is about 7 minutes from my house. I had my son Ben with me and as we were passing one of his friends house, we decided to stop and see if he wanted to join us. Steven has expressed an interest in shooting with us in the psat, but I think he was really surprised when we pull up with bows in hand, ready to have some fun. I must say that he shot really well for a first timer. I was really impressed with his natural ability, as I always am when I put a bow into a kids hand. Anyway my buddy EJ found a nice shed, we did some good shooting and had an all around blast. I couldn't think of a better way to kick off the coming of spring.
By the way, we are in the Hudson Valley about 20 miles south of Albany. You can see the Hudson River in the background.
This is my 15 year old son, Ben. He gets to keep that hair because he stays in scouts and is on the Honor Roll.
The one in the middle is Steven. He is well on his way to becoming an Eagle Scout and one heck of an archer. We're getting him his archery license for next season.
EJ is on the left. We work together everyday and I haven't seen him smile that much in a long time.
All 3 of these guys are like sons to me. I am a lucky man!