this started two weeks ago when i found my old browning nomad stalker1.ive had it since i was 12 and im 37 now,i bought a new string for it and made some "puffy" string silencers. also mounted a old quiver using the holes my dad drilled some 25 years ago for this same purpose.
the bow draws 40# @28" i figured it would be great for my almost 9 yr. old son to learn bowhunting. now heres where the problem begins...i walk past my pse compound to get "my" recurve! i enjoy shooting this bow,it is alot of fun.i entend to present the bow to my son this afternoon but i think im going to need my own!
i remember alot of great hunts with that little browning and look forward to the hunts it has left in it.this site seems to be full of great information and knowledge,thanks for allowing me into your camp