Thanks for the input guys here a little more about MY outlook on this.
Way up here in Eastern Canada it difficult to get any of the local shops to import a bow without guaranteeing 100% that your going to buy it and keep it

. There are some local guys who build bows but I haven't found anything I like yet, but then again I haven't dug very deep either
I figure if I have to buy a bow from somewhere in the US then I might just as well buy new. If nothing else somebody will have a bow up this way on display so others can see it and such.
Wingnut (Mike) I have kinda looked at your glass bows but for some reason I keep looking at the "all natural bows" don't ask me why.
My current bow is a 4 year old +/- martin vision if that helps any.
Mike I can't get back on your site ..... are you uploading pictures?