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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Youth Essay ;;  (Read 850 times)

Offline BubbaETT

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Youth Essay ;;
« on: March 15, 2009, 09:04:00 PM »
Heyy guys, haven't really been on here in a while since the hunt with Ray. I got this letter in the mail talking about an essay that i could write to with a donated hunt in Texas. So i just want to see what you guys thought of it. Feel free to critisize, because i'd like to make it as good as possible.  :)

   To chase or search for (game or other wild animals) for the purpose of catching or killing is the definition of hunting. This is just the basics of what it means. For people that don’t hunt this is how they would interpret it. To me, hunting means so much more. From all the experiences you have outdoors, to the memories you make just being there whether you get anything or not.
   Hunting is all about tradition and everything you experience when you’re out there witnessing what happens. For example, in the morning, when you are waiting for the break of day light, you here the woods around you wake up. It’s not all at once, but everything just follows the other. At first you might here squirrels calling, and then the birds start to whistle, and then when the sun comes up the cluck of a turkey. Maybe about 20 minutes later they fly down and gobble. One could only understand what I’m trying to explain if they would take the time to sit out just one cool autumn morning. It doesn’t matter if you get anything or not, just the environment around you makes it all worthwhile. If any of you have ever experienced a spring morning, and beautiful tom turkey puts on a display for all the hens, I think you would agree there is nothing more amazing than that. My first turkey that I was lucky enough to take, I will remember forever because it was just so pretty as it was strutting around.
   My first bow hunt ever was when I was about 2 and a half and I remember it all. Dad can’t believe how I remember everything, but I do. I guess it’s because that moment was just so special. We went out one day on a trail through the woods and I was carrying my little bow. I still have it, and it’s so cute. Anyway, we walked for a little while and as soon as we were ready to come out of the woods my dad spotted a squirrel. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me in the direction it was. I knew exactly what I had to do since we practiced everyday in our backyard. I quietly snuck up close enough for a shot. Filled with excitement, I drew back and let the arrow go. I remember saying, “did I get it?” to dad and he was telling that I did over and over again. I was the happiest little girl ever. When I went to show mom though, I started to cry because I killed it. I guess I wasn’t expecting it to be dead.
   About 4 years ago, Dad and I went hunting behind the house in the woods. We spent so much time preparing for this, because he was determined to get me a shot. Every night after dinner we would head out to the backyard and shoot at balloons like we have done for years, but this time it was different. We were preparing for my first deer hunt with a bow. I was hitting everything perfectly and I felt so confident in myself. That evening we set out after we put all our clothes on. At first we didn’t see much except for a cat. It sat on a fallen tree for the longest time just looking up and staring. It was adorable. It finally left and I didn’t think I would see anything else until Dad spotted a huge buck. It came in front of him and was getting ready for a shot. I couldn’t wait to see my dad to shoot a deer for the first time. He was basically going to set an example for when I would shoot mine so I watched carefully. Dad tried to slip an arrow under an overhanging branch and he wasn’t successful. Now it was my turn. A smaller deer came through later. It was a four point, I was thinking to myself, “this is my chance.” I stood up slowly and got ready for my shot. I aimed, and let the arrow go. It skimmed the back of the deer right in line with the lungs. I was shaking with shaking with excitement and disappointment all at once. I’ve never had a thrill like that before and to share that with my father made it that much better.
   Hunters can take game with a gun or a bow and probably most of them would choose a gun.  My preference is traditional bow, especially my recurve. It’s how I have always wanted to hunt since I was little. It’s the preparation, the hard work, and the simplicity, the more unsuccessful moments than the successful make bow hunting all worthwhile. Most importantly, those specials memories I get to share with my dad that you can only see through bow hunting. It has made me realize that my dad is my greatest hero. Having a bow in my hand since the age of two, I would really have to ask who would I be today, if I didn’t ever get that chance.
BubbaETT - aka Sara

Offline KY..Rob

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Re: Youth Essay ;;
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2009, 09:28:00 PM »
Sara, that was a great read! I hope you never loose the thrill of the hunt. It's good to see our youth taking part in Trad Bow Hunting. And kudos to your Dad for putting that first Bow in your hands  


Rob   :campfire:

Offline Hattrick

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Re: Youth Essay ;;
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2009, 09:39:00 PM »
Thanks Rob..I guess thats one buck i should  not of missed ...Sorry    :banghead:

Offline Focusource

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Re: Youth Essay ;;
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2009, 09:45:00 PM »
That is wonderful.  You captured the feelings well.
TradTech Pinnacle II riser, 50# BlackMax limbs

Offline Focusource

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Re: Youth Essay ;;
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2009, 09:40:00 AM »
I'm not in the habit of taking posts back to the top, but I think this young lady put a lot of work into this essay.
TradTech Pinnacle II riser, 50# BlackMax limbs

Offline ishiwannabe

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Re: Youth Essay ;;
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2009, 07:59:00 PM »
That was a great read!
"I lost arrows and didnt even shoot at a rabbit" Charlie after the Island of Trees.

Offline BubbaETT

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Re: Youth Essay ;;
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2009, 05:25:00 PM »
thanks for all the comments guys  :D , i have some mess ups though.
BubbaETT - aka Sara

Offline Larry247

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Re: Youth Essay ;;
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2009, 05:31:00 PM »
That was good, i give you an A+.
A trophy is in the eye of the beholder.

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