Hello everyone,
I hope this the right spot for this.
I'm new to this forum and have been looking at it
for a while now. Finally joined and as a newby, I
have a few questions.
I'll just start with one for now. First a little
background on myself.
I am 65 and trying to get back into archery after quite a few years absence. I'm on SSDI because of a lung disease. I've not done anything very physical for about 3 1/2 years. As a consequence, I have lost a lot of upper body strength. Thought archery might be a great way to get back into shape. Have been exercising with one of those rubber stretchy things.
I bought a PSE Impala. 40 lbs @28" draw and 60" length. That was the minimum that I could get in that particular bow. Oh, yeah, I'm left handed.
I feel that is just a little bit too much for me
right now as I can not hold an anchor point with out my arms shaking. Does anyone know if there are other limbs that will fit this bow and with a lighter draw weight?
Thanks for any and all information.