I have a bighorn recurve that was made in the mid 1980's. Its 60" and 60#@28". The bow shoots smooth and considering its age and the fact its not FF string compatable it shoots fast and hits hard with 10gr/lbs arrows. I really like the grip and the shelf is cut really low to my hand, making it easy to point. It is also very quiet to shoot, honestly I think the sound of the string cutting through the air is 90% the shot noise. I've never had a bow that quiet. Having said all that I don't shoot it much. The bow is quite light and I find a bow with more mass weight, like my Bob Lee, points better, is more stable, has less vibration, and shoots better for me. I also get a sore elbow when I shot it, I'm not sure why, but I can shoot my 60# Lee all day and not get sore. The other reason why I don't shoot it much is it shoots about 6" low at 20 yards when compared to my other bow. I'm sure if I shot it regularly my mind would compensate but I miss a lot with it and get frusturated.