I had an LAG, 64", 58# @ 28". Shot it for 13 years. Hung it on a set of moose antlers when not in use. Went away, and when I returned the moose antlers had fallen off the wall, with the bow. The brow tine of the antlers hit the bow, and must have loosened the glue. I couldn't see a mark on the bow, but it came apart the next day on a 3d course, after about 20 shots. I then bought a PLX, 66", 55# @ 28". Have been shooting the PLX for about 3 years. Both great bows, but since getting used to the PLX, I like the new grip better than the old, just hope I get as many or more shoots with the PLX as I did with the LAG! If you get one, don't hang it on the moose antlers!!