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Author Topic: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!  (Read 1394 times)

Offline TradPaul

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Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« on: March 20, 2009, 07:57:00 PM »
Well, The Wife and I drove out and met with Lukas of Saluki bows today. He kindly invited me out to visit and shoot his bows. I have many opinions and reviews of the bows I shot today as well as the great company of Lukas and his wife. Upon arriving Lukas came out of the shop with a Composit bow in the "taming" process in his hands. after parking and him putting his bow up, we set about for the tour. He has a beautiful 8 acres of woods and pasture land with a great working shop..two actually. Step on inside and see his trophies mounted on a wall....Let me say he is a hunter indeed, having taken some respectable animals from around the world. Now back to the Sun room/shop area. His wife was busy making strings and such, and before me neatly laid out was about 10 bows of various sizes and models. Being a lefty he only had one of those for me to shoot...(Thanks Redbow) which was a Turk at 54" BEAUTIFUL!!! I also got to shoot a 54" Damascus horse bow (super fun) and a righty 60" Ibex (Smooth).
I'll start with Dana's Bow the 54" Turk. I'm 6.3" and 210lbs I usually shoot a 62" Kayapo recurve, but being the only lefty he had on hand I short the 54", to my pleasure it was a super smooth draw and had zero stack at my 29.5" draw. to my suprise it also had no ..NO finger pinch. We paced off about 30yards and commenced to rip some arrows down range like laser beams. At first I wasnt paying attention to the speed just the feel of the bow and the way it felt in the hand and on the drawing hand(I shoot split finger) after the first couple I was shifting my attention to the less important(IMO) things like speed and such.

WOW!!!! is all i can say, this bow is wicked fast has the flattest trajectory of any bow I have shot. Then I started to really focus on accuracy and man, they were all going right were I pointed. And all this within 15 minutes. My last shot was at about 30 yards and I called the shot.."Right in the red" BAM!!! I zipped one right in the center. Very impressed was I at this point.

So Since I didnt want to shoot Redbows baby too much, We switched to the Damascus Horse bow. This i shot off the hand which was a first for me, and after I got the hang of it was soon killing some foam with much pleasure. Next came the righty Ibex which was very smooth even shooting righty I was putting them in there at about 15yards with consistancy.

the Wife also shot some and had a great time, and loved the feel of the draw which is unique when compared to a regular western recurve but I should have paid more attention to it so i could explain it better, but was having way too much fun shooting these laser beams.

After some great shooting we went back in and talked abit about bow options and so on. As well as looing at some of his glass carving and other types of carving as well...an amazing artist to say the least, and I'm not just saying this, being an artist myself I feel that my standards are high, and his was carvings were beautiful with great movement.

A true treasure to behold was an 13th century composit horn bow that was completely intact and must have been about 150lbs draw. On Lukas's site you can see in the inlay section a beauty of a bow that he made with horn in the limbs (purplish in color)well when held up to the light it shines right through the limb, as if looking through a finly made stone sconce or something..it was amazing to say the least. I wish I would have taken more pic's but i was caught up on the fine craftsman ship, great history and bow talk, shooting, and So on. He's moving to Brazil soon and I gotta say I'm bummed that after having found such a great bowyer and good person so close to home, it will be a bummer to not be able to come on over and test shoot new bows, and get fitted for any new ones I may want in the future...guess I will just have to go to Brazil };>)

I also got to see his longbows (yes he is still making them) and he told me of a new one he is designing that will be done soon. It is a three piece takedown, and yes it will be done before he moves so i will have to go down and see it...

Saying our goodbyes he bid us come anytime, to talk BS and bows...Great bows, great company.

Here's a crappy pic of me shooting the Turk. Dang I need a hair cut..

"Dont let whats good, steal you away from whats best"

Offline elkbreath

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2009, 08:31:00 PM »
I've owned a bunch of bows.  I doubt I will ever shoot a bow that I enjoy shooting more than that  Ibex.   Glad you had fun.  I'd like to do that some time.
77# @ 29.5 r/d longbow homer
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Offline TradPaul

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2009, 08:43:00 PM »

 Do you have any pic's of yours?? Love to see them if so.

"Dont let whats good, steal you away from whats best"


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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2009, 08:50:00 PM »
I own one of Lukus's bows at this time ,parted with two great pieces of workmanship . Lukus always puts on an exibition at Denton Hill unbeleavable shooting ability . Sorry to here he is moving will miss chatting with him .  

Kanati Long Bow 56"-45#@27"
Hoot's Long Bow 56"-45#@27"
Shrew Classic Hunter 56"-47#@28"

TGMM Family Of The Bow
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Offline TradPaul

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2009, 09:54:00 PM »
I also forgot to mention that he shot with us, and it was like watching some special effects or something, he shot like every 3 seconds at 30 yards and was hitting about 12" groups. Couldnt believe my eyes.

"Dont let whats good, steal you away from whats best"

Offline RLA

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2009, 10:16:00 PM »
I talked to Lukus on the phone yesterday. I have the itch to order a new bow and I have always been very interested in the Saluki's. Lukus told me he was go to be in Brazil until late April, but to get back with him after that and demo something close to what I might have in mind. I was thinking about a 58" Ibex around 45# with a low heal grip and dual shelf, I'm not sure about the wood yet but I do like the red phenolic tip's. With a dual shelf I can try my luck at a thumb ring or just stick with 3-under if that doesn’t work out. I have done some experimenting with the thumb release with my wife’s low poundage bow and with the spot I'm drawing to I have gained 2" of draw length. That makes for a fast arrow, and believe it or not it felt fairly natural. The Saluki's are some of the nicest bows out there and until I get one I will be jealous of those who have one. It looks like about a year wait to get one.

Offline elkbreath

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2009, 10:27:00 PM »





77# @ 29.5 r/d longbow homer
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Offline elkbreath

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2009, 10:29:00 PM »
regrettably, I sold it!!!!!

its still around here somewhere.  i wish I could have that one back.

77# @ 29.5 r/d longbow homer
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Offline RLA

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2009, 10:34:00 PM »
Elkbreath nice 5 point, is that a Scythian ? What draw weight were you using?

Offline elkbreath

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2009, 12:50:00 AM »
68# Ibex @30
arrow buried in the dirt on the other side.
77# @ 29.5 r/d longbow homer
80# @ 29.5 GN super Ghost

Offline TradPaul

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2009, 01:05:00 AM »

   Thanks for the pic's, nice 5x5 by the way. I love the Ibex, it's the one i ordered for myself today. And it looks like yours had the same grip that I will be getting, medium grip, with two finger grooves. Very nice.

RLA, I believe Elkbreath's bow was an Ibex, great feel to it. And it's true that he is going to be over there until April, but then when he gets back he will be gearing up to move permantly, he has already sold his horses and his house is on the market....bummer for us, who like to go and look and be fitted, nothing like being able to have that.
  He was also saying that in terms of speed, his turk and Ibex are his fastest ones, probably due to the Siyahs being abit shorter. And if you order soon, you may luck out and get it sooner due to his moving, but once he gets there, it could take longer for him to get his machines there and so on. good luck.

DOH!!!! beat me to it Elkbreath...

"Dont let whats good, steal you away from whats best"

Offline RLA

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2009, 12:57:00 AM »
I think mine will be the Ibex also. 58" 48@30  Maybe a dark ebony riser and overlays on faded stain bamboo limbs with red phenolic tip's. A low heel pistol grip no finger grooves or wrap and a dual shelf. I think I have almost got myself convinced. If anyone has some Saluki pic's, lets see them.

Offline TradPaul

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2009, 02:43:00 PM »

Go here to see some more. I think your set up sounds pretty neat, Let us know when it comes.

"Dont let whats good, steal you away from whats best"

Offline TheFatboy

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2009, 03:44:00 PM »
To dig up and old thread here...

all you Saluki bow owners - what kind of woods did you choose for your bows? I would very much like to hear  :)
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Offline joevan125

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2009, 04:06:00 PM »
Do you have to wear a thumb ring with his bows
Joe Van Kilpatrick

Offline 2treks

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2009, 04:57:00 PM »
joevan: NO you can shoot most of his bows with a finger release. split or 3 under.
Fatboy: my turk is zebra and mesquite and ???
         zebra limbs.(boo core).
        my Ibex is Jatoba and stained boo limbs
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Offline TheFatboy

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Re: Met W/ Lukas of Saluki Bows....!!!!
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2009, 01:12:00 PM »
Sounds neat  ;)

Getting black ebony riser and black ebony (or possibly ziricote) siyahs, bloodwood limbs and bamboo core. I think it's gonna look really great.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

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