Mineral spirits w/ elbow grease, then wax. Near about any good furniture or car wax is fine, imho. Plano Pledge if yer ole lady would oblige. If you go with any abrasive, ie. "polish," or stronger, you may matte the gloss finish and leave a permanent blemish, larger than the original scratch. Sometimes a little wear and tear is better left alone, absent a whole bow refinish.
I have one as well, 45# @ 28". Excellent original condition. Tuning it up w/ a better string. Gonna experiment w/ FF. Also gonna re-hab the grip, which is very high and blunt for my tastes. Kinda hate to, on a nice original bow. But I'm in it right and have had it for years. Needs to be used to be appretiated, in my view. Great bow imho, although middle of the product line for them back in the day.