Yup, bucks with antlers still on in late March is common near me too.
Mike, never thought about that. I always figured that a bucks antlers came off because the new growth was ready to start. Kinda like a baby tooth falling out when the permanent tooth has formed under it. But if that were the case, you'd see deer with nubs showing in Feb and Mar if they lost in December through a normal shedding process.
Maybe deer that loose due to stress or injury are a little different than normal. I wonder if the "norm" is for an antler to stay in place until the new growth is ready in the pedicel. BUT this might be largely determined by the amount of daylight just like the rut. I'm wondering if a deer that looses it's antlers in December due to stress, injury or sickness, near starvation etc WOULD have kept them till say March if healthy. Maybe the new growth "trigger" still occurs at the normal time but between the time of abnormal shedding and the time of new growth, he's just in antler limbo.
I also wonder if when a deer was born effects when it sheds and starts growth. I mean, if a doe is bred early say in October, the fawn will be born early compared to does bred in Nov or Dec. Each fall, that deer is "older" than the other deer born the same year so would it start it's antler growth sooner? I expect maybe for it's very first rack yes but by the second year, it's probably just timed off normal seasonal cues and genetics but what the heck do I know!?