Well, my 2 cents. I have used the spool reel's (drum), zebco 808 and 888, shakespeare's and muzzy's. It really depends what you are looking to do, bowfishing is all catch 22's. The drum reel's will last a lifetime, and have very low maintance. But, if you plan on shooting alot, I can typically get 4-5 shots to one of my buddies with them using the drum. With a closed face reel, you will need a reel seat and either a stabilizer hole or the adapter from great northern is great. Problem with the closed face reel is the pin's and gear's get striped from alot of use with no rod. I find for the shooting I do that shakespeare T10 are great. They seem to last longer than the zebco's and cheaper. The AMS system is good, zero drag on arrow when you shoot, and less maintance. But I found that when I tie into a 30 plus fish have to hand play him, then have all this line in the boat. That is the only reason don't like them. I shoot alot of carp, buffalo, long and short nose gar. If I was going after gator's, gatorgar, or sharks would go with the AMS for the float system works better.