Simply put, hogs are ruled by their stomachs. When you go will fully determine what you should be keying on. You say you aren't going to a hard hunted ranch...I have to tell you, anyplace with public hunting available is usually hard hit by hunters, unless its extremely remote or vast.
Example- Aug 15 to Sept 5th or so, the muscadines are falling on my place. The hogs will not even come to corn when that is happening.
From February through end of March, its the bright green grass that grows in water..with very thin blades.
Right now, wild onions are ruling the a week, because of the vast amount of rain we've had, mushrooms in the pine straw will become the rage.
It takes a long time to learn these things, and they only apply to particular regions and times.
The key is thinking like the critter you hunt...not like a guy on a hunting trip, but like a pig scratching out a living in the place you are going to.
Time of day is irrelevant, really. The hogs will either be up feeding, or bedded down. Find them either way. You are going to public land, so its run and gun. Why hunt the last hour of the day because its the best time, and not use the rest to your advantage.
Hunting bedded hogs is also fun, wild and wooly, and a lot like shooting quail...they'll explode from under your feet and waste no time getting out of Dodge....but its F U N !!!!!
Good luck to you.