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Author Topic: Getting in shape...Total Gym?  (Read 3910 times)

Offline Shore08

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #40 on: April 07, 2009, 06:02:00 PM »
If I could suggest anything, it would be to get a physical NOW, especially since you are transitioning back to a more physical job. By your own admission, you are out of shape and have been smoking, and I would hate to see anything happen to you. Start slow, especially at work. Keep hydrated, keep yourself as cool as possible when the hot weather hits. If you get tired, REST. It will be hard. Your ego won't want you to do it (and probably your boss either  :D  ), but you do not want to get a visit from the boys on the ambulance. I am not a doctor, I don't even play one on TV, so please take all this with a grain of salt, and contact a professional if you are really interested in getting into shape. Afterall, we're just strangers on an internet board, who are we to suggest anything  :D  .

As for working out, especially if you are traveling a good bit, check out some body weight exercises instead of a home gym, at least to start. Walking is great exercise, you will be surprised how much good getting at least 30 minutes of walking a day will do for you. If you are wanting to get ready for a big hunt, you can work your way up to walking with a weighted backpack, just be careful. Again, please start slow, ease back into it. An injury will only delay things.

We have a workout we do, and all it takes is a deck of playing cards. It's also something you do with body weight and can do easily in a hotel room (get a ground floor room  :D  ). You assign each suit an exercise (or each color if you really want to challenge yourself, so that you do only 2 kinds of exercises instead of 4).

So let's say that hearts are squats, diamonds are pushups, spades are crunches, and clubs are forward lunges. You shuffle the cards, keep them stacked face down. Flip over the top card. Whatever that card is, the suit dictates the exercise, and the number on the card is how many you perform (face cards are 10, aces are 11), so if it is an 8 of diamonds, you do 8 pushups. Wait until you are standing again to flip the next card. Repeat until they are gone. I hope that makes sense, if not let me know.

When you start, maybe draw 13 cards at random and only do them. Build up to doing the whole deck. It is a challenge, and alot harder than it sounds!

Another exercise to consider is the good ole Burpee. I figure if inmates can stay in shape using them, it should work for a guy in a hotel  :D  Actually, I stole that idea from Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs haha.


Anyhow, keep us posted on how it is going, and remember, I'm no expert and I can't promise that nothing bad will happen if you try what I said (CYA at it's best  :readit:  )

Good luck!

Offline straitera

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #41 on: April 07, 2009, 06:20:00 PM »
Obvious you have a lot of friends here already with great advice above and heartfelt (NPI). Smoking bad-exercise & proper diet good. No machine will work if you don't use it so most just take up room. Start slow after doc's OK & stress quality exercise & measurable results. Keep a log. Walking (fast) routine is low impact and inexpensive. Utilize weights &/or resistance training regularly (3-5 times weekly). One heart. Don't blow it. Good luck, BB
Buddy Bell

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Offline Mike Mecredy

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #42 on: April 07, 2009, 07:50:00 PM »
Good for you Mike.  Get the best (not most expensive) jogging shoes you can find!  I've been a runner since age 13, I'm almost 42 now, still going for an hour at a time, and I'm the first to tell you, don't skimp on shoes.
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Offline Sharptop

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #43 on: April 07, 2009, 08:47:00 PM »
Ok. I'm 53 and had gotten 35 pounds overweight and went on a recovery plan in August. Still haven't quit the cigs although that's next and absolutely necessary for the mountain hunting.

Eat lean proteins, vegetables, eggs(I eat two every morning as my breakfast), fruit for sweets, nuts if you have to. Forget everything else. Try to keep it to 1200-1500 calories a day while in the weight loss mode.

Start doing situps and pushups and buy a $150 pull up-dip stand at Dicks or some other place.Just get in the habit of doing it first thing in the morning. You will feel better. Whenever you are doing strength resistant exercises never let the tension up by locking your arms or raising up too high on the situps, work to exhaustion. Start working those in. Hike hills whenever you can or just do stuff to move around. You need to lose that weight before you start running, etc.

I lost 25 pounds pretty quick and am now doing about 250 pushups, 250 situps and 100 pullups and 200 dips a day, 5 days a week. This stuff really works your muscles and helps you lose weight, especially at our age. The hiking on hills is the training that will be needed for the mountains. Wear a pack and gradually add weight.

The acclimation to altitude is a variable. You can handle it one time and the next it may hurt you. Best to follow advice and get there early and I believe there are some things you can take to ease the risk. It can kill you.

Good luck and get after it!

P.S. I also have a recumbent exercise bike and ride it up to an hour and a half 3 days a week. A great calorie burner and good overall light workout that puts no stress on yo old body.

Offline JSimon

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #44 on: April 07, 2009, 09:39:00 PM »
I agree with the body weight exercises. I have been doing a workout about 5 days a week that takes about 15 minutes a day and it has really improved my fitness and increased my strength. Before beginning this workout I couldn't even run a full mile. I would just be completely out of breath. A couple of months after doing this program (without running at all in between) and I was able to jog 3 miles - no joke. I also noticed an improvement during hunting season with hanging stands, climbing trees, still hunting, etc. Here is a link to the program. I bought a pdf file online for like $5 at the time, but it has gone up a bit.


It includes alot of nutritional stuff (basically the hunter/gather diet - no processed foods. I don't follow the diet very well but it all makes sense. There is a long list of body weight exercises and programs to do. The diagrams are a little silly, but I'm impressed with the results.

This is only exercise routine from the manual that I have done, but it has many others including the deck of cards routine mentioned above. It is very simple and I can't imagine better results for only 15 minutes a day. I don't want to post too much since it's copyrighted, but you do as many reps as you can (I shoot for 50 or 60 of each exercise) and go from one exercise to the next without taking a rest in between. The first couple of times I did it, I thought I was going to die, but it gets easier. I think the deep breathing exercises really improved my lung capacity and cardiovascular fitness as well. I've since substituted handstand push-ups for the jackknife push-ups and mix in pull-ups and dips some days:

1. Jackknife Push-ups
2. Deep Knee Bends OR Lunges
3. Knuckle Push-ups
4. Toe Touches OR Twisting Instep Touches
5. Regular Push-ups
6. Resistance Neck Exercise OR Neck Raises
7. Leg Pulls OR Leg Grasp
8. Deep Breathing Exercises

Online M60gunner

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #45 on: April 08, 2009, 12:59:00 AM »
I also say get a checkup first. I am doing the twelve thousand steps a day program. I spent $15 on a pedometer and got some real decent walking shoes. You wear the meter all day. For me it equals 6miles a day or so. Being retired and in Ca. (good weather) I can keep it up.
My VA doc says lose no more than 2-3 pounds a month. It will stay off better.
Building up your arms can be as simple as doing pushups. When I was younger I wanted to go from 65lbs. to 80lbs. I did pushups each morning and evening for a month along with bow exercises. Good luck and stick with it.

Offline buckracks7

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #46 on: April 08, 2009, 11:54:00 AM »
Chuck Norris started with the Total Gym due to a shoulder injury. He said it saved him from having surgery.
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Offline hogdancer

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #47 on: April 08, 2009, 12:39:00 PM »
I have a total Gym and love it, I did'nt buy it, the machine was left behind in a house I bought. I am a complete sceptic about things you buy on TV and would never have bought anything from an infomercial, but this worked.
 As far as an elk hunt, I think the best thing you can do is swim, before I head out west I do a good bit of swimming and the other guys have a hard time keeping up with me, even though they have been running a lot. I believe that the swimming builds up the lungs and not just your muscles, you'll need that in the thin air. Works for me.
Good luck !
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Online Mike Bolin

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #48 on: April 08, 2009, 06:07:00 PM »
A co-worker let me have use of his totalgym last winter. I have some disc degeneration in my lower neck and was suffering from some nerve damage. It works well for me and alot of the exercises that I did in physical therapy are easily duplicated with this machine. By crossing the cables I can duplicate the same movement as pulling a bow. I do this after practice sessions with my right hand (I'm a lefty) to keep some balance and symetry in my shoulder/neck/back muscles.
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Offline arrow flynn

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #49 on: April 09, 2009, 05:09:00 PM »
versa climber interval training ithurts but it willget you in shape quicker get your 30 gallon gas tank back

Offline Rob DiStefano

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #50 on: April 09, 2009, 08:28:00 PM »
good luck mikew - you've got all the odds stacked against you, and a huge task to overcome.  best of luck - don't bite off more'n you can chew.
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Offline buckster

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #51 on: April 12, 2009, 09:41:00 PM »
I like to run 2-3 times per week, anywhere from 5-7 miles, around a 9-minute pace.  I also try to hit the gym 2-3 times per week, do a 45-minute routine of circuit and weight training.

I am 45 and not quite in the condition I used to be in during my younger days.  I bought a Bowflex a few years ago and used it religiously for about 2 months, LOL.  Like others have advised, try something that you enjoy and look forward to doing, this is paramount.  

For me, running and weight training engage both the body and the mind.  Let your body tell you how hard to push. I suggest you strive for a structured routine that will allow you to "add" intensity as you progress.
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Offline MikeW

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #52 on: April 12, 2009, 10:12:00 PM »
Thx guys for all the advice. It's given me a lot to think about for sure. I'm going to go get a check up soon. I am going to order the Total Trainer next week sometime. I think it's a piece of equipment I would really use. Turns out a buddy here I work with has one that he hauls around with him to the hotel. I checked it out the other day and really like it. Broke a sweat and got my heart going pretty fast. I've tired to limit myself to veggies,fruits,lean meats and raw nuts..still have to have my milk though. I can't cut that out..cutting bread, potatoes and butter is tuff. Some of my favorite stuff there.

Thank you again for the support,advice & tips.
I'll let ya know how it turns out.
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Offline tcw

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #53 on: April 12, 2009, 11:03:00 PM »

I know you are likely overwhelmed by all the responses, but I want to encourage you to for sure get that physical.  I am on a cycling team and am surrounded by personal trainers and fitness geeks.  I asked them what they recommended and they ALL said have a physical first.  This is coming from people who get paid to get people healthy and fit again.

Also, they recommended easing into it.  Don't go too hard and get injured, especially with running and lifting.  Start with higher repetitions, or walking.  Harder stuff will come about 2 weeks later.  No need to shock the system at this point.   You are taking on a big task with quitting smoking and getting fit.  Don't forget to look back at where you are coming from and accept all movement in the right direction as positive progress.  Sounds like your diet is on track for success.  I wish you well.

Offline tcw

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #54 on: April 12, 2009, 11:06:00 PM »

I know you are likely overwhelmed by all the responses, but I want to encourage you to for sure get that physical.  I am on a cycling team and am surrounded by personal trainers and fitness geeks.  I asked them what they recommended and they ALL said have a physical first.  This is coming from people who get paid to get people healthy and fit again.

Also, they recommended easing into it.  Don't go too hard and get injured, especially with running and lifting.  Start with higher repetitions, or walking.  Harder stuff will come about 2 weeks later.  No need to shock the system at this point.   You are taking on a big task with quitting smoking and getting fit.  Don't forget to look back at where you are coming from and accept all movement in the right direction as positive progress.  Sounds like your diet is on track for success.  I wish you well.

Offline greenhed

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #55 on: April 13, 2009, 03:44:00 AM »
I am a Deputy Sheriff and with our odd schedule a gym membership isnt feasable.  A bunch of us Deputies all use the P90x videos.  very good stuff and will kick your butt.  Plus most of them you can do in a hotel room if you travel.  Good luck!!
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Offline greenhed

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #56 on: April 13, 2009, 03:47:00 AM »
As stated before, p90x can be found at Beachbody.com
"Do justly, love Mercy, walk Humbly"

Offline Randy Morin

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #57 on: April 13, 2009, 08:43:00 AM »
After you get going for a month try bungee cording a sandbag 30-45# onto a frame pack and walk and hike up a steep trail if you can find them in Texas.  30-60 mins of hiking with that thing on your back will be a lot of bang for your buck and you dont have to get your heart rate too high cause you are walking. Use stairs, elipticals, stair climbers if you cant do it outside.

Offline JockC

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #58 on: April 13, 2009, 12:32:00 PM »
Randy has good advice.  I ladder up to 80-90 lbs as the season drags on, and a little bit of that makes climbing a dream and packing 60-70 lbs of meat far easier.  There's a lot more that you can do with sandbags, a climbing rope, big tires, etc. that works great and costs little.  Check out Ross Enamait's site for fighters and his books.  The emphasis is on bodyweight exercises you can do anywhere and simple training tools, such as the sandbag. Highly recommended.  If you can't find a steep trail, go to a stadium or tall building's staircase.  There is no way to substitute for climbing and descending steep angles.  It trains both your large muscles and the smaller stabilizers, which are more important than most give credit to.
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