Sorry for the delay in response, my home computer is pretty much useless so I had to wait till I came back to work to check this.
Jim, Ken, Brian, and Chuck: A friend of mine once told me, tell me who your friends are and I'll show you who you are(not exactly verbatim, but you get what I'm pushing at). If that is even half true, the high quality of character you guys demonstrate in the woods around town, does us all proud. I couldn't have asked for a better group of guys to share a hunting camp with.
To think of all the strange looks I got from friends and family when I told them I was heading off to the Adirondacks to hunt with a bunch of guys I never met before (not just a few references were made to the banjo player in "Deliverance") This is starting to sound like a eulogy, so before I start filling up my keyboard with tears... This just means we're gonna have to have an "Adirondack Attack-western style" You all know I'm not getting married anytime soon (if ever!), so a standing invitation exists, with no worries of what the "Miss" will say about a bunch of elk piss smellin' ruffians invading the house. With a bow, a plane ticket, and tags in hand, you'll need for nothing!! (if push came to shove I might even ante up for
the tags). But before any of this comes to pass, I have to get out there, see what I can see and decide If I want to take the job. I'll keep you posted, and thanks for all the kind words!!