Deer numbers are way down from what they were in the middle/late 90s. 2000-2002 drought as well as major deer herd reduction combined with a coyote infestation really changed the place. That is probably good as deer population was way too high to be sustained. Mainside is about 1/2 the size it was 5 years ago, lots of new construction. Only 27 car/deer collsions on mainside this past year, years ago it was 100-200, and lots more car traffic now. 5B near the hunting shack is closed and has been mostly cleared, lots of new buildings. 6A was given back to the county for a park and is now no hunting, bunch of new buildings in 6B and some planned for 5A. Also lots of hunting pressure. 2008 deer kill was about 1/3 of the 2002 kill, and deer sightings are way down. Good news is the base has been closed after 9/11 for civilian vehicle access and patrolled, so less poaching. Also lots of logging in the western areas, 13, 14s,15s,16s,etc so when that does grow back, habitat should be much improved. For now, when you do see a doe, she is alone or has one fawn. Gone are the days of seeing groups of 5-10.