Here's my story on RV's. Started with field pts. They didn't fly worth a crap on the first shots (fletched 2 arrows). By the 12 shot, 6 each I noted a positive difference. I don't want to say they flew the same as my feathers, but pretty close at 20 yards. Close enought to think I could hunt with 'em. I put some broadheads (160 gr Snuffers) to do a hunting test. The results were crapola. Didn't hunt with them.
Just so I don't answer the question completely. That's a wide BH. I could have tried a 160 gr STOS, but didn't. I've been shoot them at 10 feet in the basement and notice the "down" vane is more separated than the others. Even more so than when I did the Snuffer test. Point is I think you have to break them in and I should make another test.