I have a 55lb Howatt Hunter and draw around 27". I wanted to go with carbon and bought some Carbonwood 3000's which spine at 400. I started bareshaft tuning with full length shafts and 100gr inserts and 100gr tips. Bareshafts great. My problem is, I wanted to end up with a shorter arrow. I just didn't want 4" of arrow sticking out front. But, they do shoot nice and have been using them.
Trying to end up with a shorter arrow I bought some Beman MFX Classics 500. Same thing, bareshafts great full length with 100gr insert and 100gr tip. I hate to try and shorten them even an inch they fly so true. Is there just something about the way each of us shoots that can have an affect on spine preference. FOr instance, same bow, two different guys shoot it with same draw length but require different shafts or tip weight.
Just not sure why my bow and me can shoot a full length shaft with 200grs on the front from a .400 spine and .500 spine. I see so many guys with bows of same or less draw weight and comparable draw lengths that are able to shoot a 29" arrow. Your thoughts if you care to reply.