Very frustrating landscaper gave me permission to bowhunt an area close to home. Went in last night and roosted a tom.
5:30 am I eased in, setup and waited. Thirty minutes later a few gobbles echoed the valley. I decided to stay here in one spot and call sporadically. I sat tight, calling and enjoying the rainy morning. Around 7am, I caught movement. A nice tom was slowly working his way towards me, very silently.
Some soft calling and he turned...gobbled then started displaying. God I love that sight...35 yds out. I was very patient with this bird and he kept moving in. Suddenly, he was off running, then took to the air! Coyote! The critter came snaking his way through and was after this bird.
I left the area, quietly moving into another spot closer to an open orchard. 10am...I got aggressive with some calling and a gobbler repsonded about 100 yds off. Cool...sit tight and wait. Maybe 45 mintues later 4 deer came busting by..Now what? Ten minutes later I can comes a gun hunter...walking and yelping and not being too quiet.
I let him get 15 yds from me when I flagged him. Scared the Cr..out of him. He waved, kept walking and never stopped yelping with his box call. I packed up and came home. Tomorrow morning, heading back behind the house again. Keep the faith and good luck guys...