So you have found the right arrow, you've found your bow's perfect brace height and your arrows are flying like bullets. Then one day a few weeks later you are shooting and suddenly your arrow flight isn't as perfect as you remember.
I shoot all year and this scenario seems to play out with me over and over throughout the year. I'll be shooting for a few nights and my arrows aren't flying well and I chalk it up to "Well I guess I'm just not in the groove" or "My release must not be perfect". But most of the time I check my brace height and it's 6-3/4" instead of 7" where my bow has to be.
I just did it again and instantly my arrow flight improved. I think that's why I missed that gobbler last week at 10 steps...Yeah thats it.
Check your brace height often. Just may bring back the joy in your shooting.
Shoot 'em straight T.J.