In the military, we used the term "professionalism", which was defined as "doing what is right, even when no one is looking". I think this can be used for defining "moral and ethical" as far as it goes. Like Chuck said, we can't do as we please. Is it unethical for Byron Ferguson to take a 40 yard shot at a deer? It would be for me, because I don't practice much past 20 yards. Is it morally and ethically wrong to shoot a spotted fawn? In areas with heavy winter kills, fawns die first, you are utilizing a resource. In milder areas, winter kill is virtually unheard of. Is it morally and ethically wrong to not use your one and only tag to put an an injured/sick animal out of it's misery on your once in a lifetime big game hunt? Your family has done without and scrimped and saved to make your hunt possible, and you've "given up" any chance at a freezer full of meat to put an animal out of it's misery. If a husband and wife have agreed to an "open" marriage, where anything goes, is it morally and ethical wrong for either of them to sleep around? Morals and ethics usually are not the same in every case, for every person.