I never ran across a blind turkey, but sure did have a hard time trying to kill a mute gobbler about ten years ago. If he had not frequented a pasture, I may have not known he ever existed.
I got on him several times, and he would answer my calls, but did not make a sound. How did I know he was answering, I could see him stretch out his old neck, and even see his beak open. It was just like watching a hunting viedo with the tv on mute. The old boy was a good'un too, had a set of spurs you could see with the naked eye at 40 yards.
The only time I was every in range of him, I had belly crawled along a brushy fence row to within 10 yards, with him on the other side. I was finally able to get to my knees, and there he was, but it was too thick to shoot through. All I could do was watch his back side vibrate when he would drum, soooo close, but no cigar.
I never killed that bird, but I have very fond memories of our 8 encounters. Good Times