I tell you, this was one of the best hunts I've ever had. And I didn't even see anything. I just couldn't seem to get over the fact that I was sharing a blind with Bill, hunting birds in such an amazing place. Who could ask for more for a first out-of-state hunt?
Even though we didn't see anything, Bill and I spent the morning just shooting the bull and swapping hunting tales. What a great, down-to-earth guy...
Oh, and speaking of great guys, I was treated to a shooting lesson with Dave after the hunt. Now that was spectacular. He did more for my shooting form and accuracy in five MINUTES than anything else has in the past five years. It took me a bit to catch on (all the fault of yours truly), but once I did, I was experiancing a consistancy I've not been accustomed to. And the fact that he actually took the time to teach this hard-headed archer the error of his ways still impresses me.
Good company, good scenery, good weather. A quick utorial that will probably bring my shooting to a whole new level. Heck, I even heard a response from a turkey, which is more than I get some days. All in all, today was one of the best days I've ever spent with a bow in hand...