Originally posted by oldskool:
Hey Pac, It sounds like you are giving those stumpin arrows a work out. How many have you broke so far? You know if I was closer I'd be there.
The only ce 150 I have lost wasn't due to damage, it was in the side of a pig that got away. Haven't even scratched one stumping yet.
Trying something new. Just a few minutes ago I cut a 2117 into a 1/4" band and glued it on the nock end of the arrow. I want to see if it affects the arrow any. Looks cool anyway. I'm thinking it will beef the nock area up and keep it from splitting when I hit something harder than a white oak.
Found the honey hole of stumping at Henry Gray last week. Shade and not much brush to walk in. Should be able to see a snake a mile away. So many targets I take a shot, get my arrow and take another shot within a few feet.
Sure wish I get get someone to take me up on this. Not as much fun by yourself.