Coon007 and myself decided to go on a short hog hunt on a buddy's place. I didn't even wear camo, just grabbed my Sarrels' Superstition and my hunting arrows tipped with 250gr worth of Snuffer. After a short sit at a pond watching two white-tail does within 25yrds of me I heard some hogs across the dam. I waited for the does to wander off and rounded the pond looking for the little squealers. When I crossed the dam I saw Coon007 about 150yrs up the road and I called him to let him know where the hogs were at. He walked over and we formed a plan of attack. By listening to them we were able to close the distance to about 15yrds and he took the right flank and I took the left. I saw about a 75lb sow stand broadside at 13yrds and took my shot. I remember seeing the arrow heading right at the pig and hitting right behind her right elbow. She instantly dropped and started squeeling. Just as suddenly, she started getting up and moved away, I had time for another arrow, but accidentaly grabbed my judo tipped arrow and that was that. The arrow was laying 10ft from where she was standing with good blood all the way up, complete pass through. We trailed her for about 100yrds with good blood and never found her. It got dark on us and in that snake infested area, we decided to back out and wait till the morning to continue on the trail. Hopefully we can find her before the yotes do and before the meat spoils.
My question is, how did she not drop? The shot was a little low, I know that, but with the bright red arrow and all the blood we found on the ground, how was she still going? What do ya'll think? Will we find her in the morning?
Well here is to a long night wondering about the hit, and thinking o what I should have done differently.