I'm in my early 50's and last year resumed bow hunting after a 15 year hiatus. I shoot a 35 year old Indian Seneca recurve (AMO 58"; 45-50#; maple riser & glassed maple limbs; 7.5" brace ht.; 28.5" draw; no attachments other than a "Flipper" arrow rest)and generally can achieve fletch touching groups at 20 yards after a summer of serious practice.
What I like about the bow is that it has a fairly pronounced palm swell which allows me to shoot with a very light, almost loose, drop fingered grip that I learned from an ancient Bear Archery instruction book. Also, the bow is very light and, obviously, has proven itself extremely durable as it still looks and shoots like new with no hand shock or vibration. What I don't like is that it is a tad loud and rather slow (I watched one deer actually duck an arrow after a 20 yard shot).
Here's the problem- my wife said she'd like to buy me a new bow for our anniversary.
So I started looking and narrowed the field to two production bows, either the Bear Cheyenne or the Martin Mamba. But after talking with people at 3 RIvers, Bear Archery, Martin Archery and several bow shops, the common consensis is that I probably won't notice much of a difference between the my old bow and either of these two new bows, and both probably have narrower grips that may not be as comfortable to shoot, and NOBODY within a couple hours drive stocks either for me to put my hands on and shoot. I guess that the only real excuse I can come up with for parting with $500.00 for a new bow is the possibility that my old Seneca might be reaching the end of it's shooting life.
So one store owner suggested I come here and ask Y'all for advice. Can anyone give me some firsthand knowledge of shooting either the Cheyenne, Mamba or even the Indian Seneca for that matter? If I'm going to make a change and be in shape for the hunting season, I need to make the change now. Many Thanks!