I love what Dave Bulla said, I'm o so proud of every deer and animal I harvest, but my pursuit every fall is for big mature smart ol' bucks
the doe's and smaller bucks i shoot along the way get me very excited and i'm so proud of them, but trophy class animals are what they are, last year as an example I had about 5-6 close encounters with big mature bucks and was able to connect on one of them, were as i had probably at least a 100 or more close encounters with small bucks and doe's. that being said I would say having hunted in the past with a compound I might have shot them all with more advanced equipment but i'd be more proud of my one good buck with trad gear, than all 6 with a gun or compound. So in closing i think the word ''trophy'' has different meanings, it's used to describe a class of large mature animals, as well as an animal that your just very proud of, i think my biggest ''trophy'' is a small 2x2 mule deer i shot after an incredible stalk on public land, but i have taken several ''trophy'' class animals. Really in the end it's all about the hunt to me.