It takes time for the twists in the loops of a flemish twist to settle in, and that's mostly dependent on how tightly they were twisted to begin with.
The materials (FF, TS1, D97 etc) are touted as low-stretch. If I'm remembering the numbers right, once the string has settled in the low-stretch strings will stretch about 2%, to dacron's 4% (linen is 3% and silk is about 6%).
What you're really talking about here is creep though. Any string will creep and get longer until it settles in. An overbuilt dacron string will creep almost indefinitely and you'll constantly be adjusting brace height. Flemish strings will creep more than endless just b/c of the nature of how they're made.
Measure the length of your dacron string while it's on the bow. Strings should really be measured under tension. Then spin up an endless D97 string that's maybe 1/4" shorter than that. That should get you pretty close.