I don't have any experience for which to make an assessment on how many yotes we have, here, but we see them from time to time....and I'll get one on trailcam every so often.
This time of year, there's no other hunting season open, so.....the mind wanders.
Do any of you guys hunt them in the summer? What tactics do you employ?
I had a buddy in from OH, turkey hunting, and he missed one with his compound that came in to my turkey calls. But honestly, that's the first time I've seen one while hunting, here (over 300 sits - deer and turkey hunting over 4 yrs).
I'm not afraid of getting skunked.....lol. I haven't drawn back on a turkey in 2 seasons....lol. If it's futile, though, I'm no glutton for punishment.
Whatcha think? How do you do it?