I have been shooting carbon Bemen 500 since I changed from alum xx75 1916. They are good shooting arrows and what I like is they are either good or broke. I have seem a lot of talk about adding weight to the shaft to get them in the range of 500 + to increase the punch tru. Well be retired on a fixed income and being cheap. I have added a 2 inch 10/22 alum screw with head cut off and then filled the length of the arrow with 1/8 inch poly rope. The end result is the arrow now weight is 556 grains. They still seem to fly like darts.
I have 3 sets of BH's that I have used in the past they are 125 gr, one is two blade, one set is 3 blade and one is 2 blade but has the small bleeder blades. I shot all into a BH block and they all fly well out of the bow, should I go with just the 2 blade for increased penertation, or the BH that will give me the biggest hole for bled out ??? or wil I get just about the same punch thru based on the weight of the arrow ????