Our first speaker was Steve McGrath. According to Guy: Steve McGrath is our Marketing Director at Camp Chef. Steve is a hiker and an avid fly fisherman; what I call a "hunting fringer". By that I mean he is a non-hunter but exposed to the out of doors enough that he should be easier than most non-hunters to pull into hunting. Steve spoke about what turns him off about hunting and why he has a hard time getting involved with big game hunting. When Steve first came to work with us. He attended the Western Big Game Conservation Expo in Salt Lake City. In his words, "What was conserving that? It was all about killing big animals".
Steve's perspective was good for the youth to hear and keep in mind.
Our next speaker is an undercover game warden. He specializes in the career game violators. He had some real good stories on violators.
Our last speaker was Ernie Perkins. Ernie is a member of the Utah Game Board. He talked about some of the problems managing game.
Larry asked a question about Utah's policy for managing for trophy animals and said he felt it does more to prevent young people from taking up hunting.
While the rest of us were listening to the speakers Larry cleaned and packed up his kitchen and then went around picking up garbage regardless of it's origin. At a latter camp fire I noted that and presented Larry with the rare and deeply coveted clean camper award.
Wed evening Vince and I went with
guy up to the north spike camp. No luck but it was pretty up the all the same.
Wed. David, Vince and myself did our presentation on Doug Kerr. If anyone has picture of that please email it to me.
Next Craig sat down and showed us his collection of special arrows. He had one that was his dads, another that his son made his first kill with and another that set a flight record. He then passed out an arrow to each of the that he had made for them. The shafts were footed shafts donated by Bob Burton. Craig made broadheads from moose bone and wrapped them on.
And last the Bassets did a presentation on conservation and ethics.