I like a lot of things and sometimes do wear camo as well as wool plaids, in fact I have quite a bit of the Cabelas Microtex(sp?)"outfitter camo".
Regardless of what I'm wearing, I like it to be soft, quiet, warm when damp, breathable, non-reflective as possoble, and with enough light-dark contrast to break me up some. I also don't want items too heavy to layer. When I plug in all of those goals, a lot of clothing on the market gets quickly eliminated!
As far as more expensive clothing is concerned, I must admit that the only "high-end" clothing I care to invest in are quality traditional wools. Not only are they functional in the woods, but can be worn in casual style in public, and passed down to sons, daughters, and the grandkids. To me they evoke memories of special times, heritage, history - whatever words you choose. I simply don't feel that way about a Goretex lined camo "supersuit". But that's my feelings, and we're all certinly entitled to our own opinions.
By the way what George said about Fred is spot-on. Fred did indeed wear what he described in the 50s and before. I spent quite a bit of time with Fred, a wonderful fellow, and one who inspired me to take up bowhunting. He always reminded me of the photos I had seen of my grandfather who passed away when I was a baby. He also wore wool plaid jackets, shirts, and neutral colored pants. Like Fred, he was a very successful hunter. Perhaps those images and memories of Fred have shaped my taste in clothes:^)