I agree with Orion, sort of. I don't think the physical weight of the bow is as much of a factor as the hand shock. My Kanatis have zero hand shock, medium grips, and cause no joint problems. My old Mahaska with a locator grip (medium/low) weighs nearly the same, slightly more, and more yet with a bow quiver, yet until I changed from B50 to D97 skinny padded string, it was pretty shocky. My elbow suffered. So, I don't necessarily think the physical weight was the cause. I is also only 3# heavier than my Kanati in draw weight, so I doubt that is a factor. After changing to a skinny D97, I can shoot the Mahaska without pain, so I think hand shock is the major factor.
Since we are all built differently, my anecdotal evidence may not match yours or others. I do think the bow you shoot will make a difference in the amount of pain you experience, however.