I got into trad archery a little over 2 years ago. The bug bit me hard as I bought ALOT of bows. I was not knowledgeable enough to even know what I liked yet, just started buying. People on this site (like killie!) had to deal with me posting picks of my new bow every week. Looking back at that, I am kind of embarrased as I now realize I was acting like a spoiled 12 year old. I quickly learned that the bows I liked the best were the 60's Kodiaks (don't we all!)
My collection grew to 20 or so bows. One night last week I was siting at the basement staring at the bows on the wall. I realized that whenever I shoot in the backyard or drive to a shoot I basically always take the same bows. You know those "go to" favorites that we all have. That means there are about 10 bows on my wall that are collecting dust. Not fair to the bows nor the masters who made them.
I quickly added up what I thought the bows would fetch on the auction site. Nice chunk of change. At that point I basically decided to sell off those bows 1 or 2 a month and as they sell send the money directly to.... NORM JOHNSON. I phoned him the day after I stared at the walls and I ordered my Snakebit Takedown. The way I look at it, I am trading ten or so bows that I don't shoot for a bow that I will cherish for a lifetime. My "collection" will be much smaller, but much more geared towards bows that I actually like (now that I know what I like).
My Norm Johnson Snakebit is ordered at 48 pounds. I have chosen Snakewood, Ebony, and Bacote as the wood choices. I really hope to have it for Denton Hill next year.
The wait begins... and thanx for putting up with me.