My mother is a 5th grade teacher, and she was reading the book "Hatchet" to her class, or perhaps it was the sequil where the kid makes a bow to take big game so he can survive the winter. Not one of the students in her class could understand the concept of how the bow worked, much less imagine it killing large game. She arranged with the school admin for my father and me to come with our bows and show them the equipment. We also got cleared to take the class outside and shoot for them. We took a R/D longbow, a recurve and my father took his compound as well. The students were amazed with the whole thing. I am pleased to say that they were generally most interested in my recurve. Even though the compound was faster, I think its bulk was intimidating to them. My dad has to shoot it now (he used to use a Pearson recurve, but his shoulders don't work so well anymore), but he's hardly what you'd call a gadget/tech freak. His compound is still a laminated wood frame.
That is really neat when you can at least get some kids interested and exposed to bows. Many many of them have never seen one, of any type, in anything other than fantisy movies.