There are books that touch on all shooting styles, but my vote would be to read books by those who are passionate about their shooting style. And then read another book by someone else who is passionate about a different shooting style. For example, Fred Asbell is passionate about the instinctive shooting style. His first book was "Instinctive Shooting." Read that, and then read "Become the Arrow" by Byron Ferguson, and then read "Instinctive Archery Insights," by Jay Kidwell. You will get slightly different takes on the subject from each author. Instinctive archery requires a focus that goes beyond that required for our lives in general. Generally, our lives require our attention to be spread out: as we're driving to work, we have to be aware of the traffic around us while at the same time we're planning our day, thinking about the weekend, worrying about a spat with our wife or children, and thinking about whether we can afford some new toy. All that has to go out the window if we expect to hit the target with no sights. So that gives archery a spiritual (psychological if you're not spiritual) dimension. The archetypical book for that would be "Zen in the Art of Archery" by Eugen Herrigel.