I am working on my first knife, using stock removal method, I cut it to shape last night and started grinding an edge. It is not pretty. How do you get a good even edge on the blade, is there some way to make a guide or something, I have a very basic grinder, with a wheel on both sides of the motor. Would a file be best, just grind it close and then file the rest, then use a sharpener to get the edge?
Also, how do u stabilize elk horn for the handle? I imagine u drill out the middle then fille it with epoxy, don't know how u would get out the air bubbles, let the epoxy cure, then drill a hole about the appoximate size then use a flat file the size of the tang to get it finished. After all that I guess u glue the handle in with epoxy, what kind is best, and what kind of glue would u use for wood? And what is a good finish to use? Sorry, lots of questions, but I guess there always is the first go around on something like this. I will try and do a build a long on it and see how that goes, but I need some help from my friends. Thanks a bunch!