Nothing will change Fall bears locations like a big food source somewhere else.
Is there anyplace where you could glass and spot and stalk or still hunt blackberry patches?If the berry patches are completely done,your baits may fire up again.
I've hunted in Saskatchewan a couple times and when wolf sign showed up at a stand location,the outfitter would pull us out.He says they will affect bear movement.
I know also,when the berry crops are bad there,due to late freezes,the early Fall hunting over baits gets smoking hot.
It's a tough situation when there is a big food source like that.Bears are in survival mode,trying to prepare for Winter.They will pound the best food source till it is gone,then move on to the next best thing.
For sure,they will never forget any place where they have gotten a free meal and I believe too,if you have enough season to let the berrys run out,they should be back.
Big boars will roam there territory periodically as well and that big one could just show up when you least expect it.If you felt he were in the vicinity,a predator call might pull him in.At this time of year,bears pass up no free meals,especially big,dominant boars.They say you should call for at least an hour.I read recently that a guy said you could spook some bears by calling too loud,too close.I think he recommended calling lower volume to start,gradually increasing volume.In thick woods you never know if he's close so maybe it would be best to not really blast the highest volume.
It will be a tough year as long as that berry crop is on but just hang in there.If you think the berry's are done,I'd be in that tree.Things could change like a light switch.Good luck to you.I really want to see a picture of that bruiser.