I would have to say like the rest, it will get better for ya. And like another one said, most shops only cary the (cheaper)stuff, fine for someone starting out or on a budget. My local shop does not stock much other then the lower priced stuff, thats what most of the people comming in are looking for. I do have a place about 2 hours away that stocks alot more stuff so I can find what I need. And I see the whole Compound/trad thing all the time, I myself dont care what someone else wants to shoot as long as they enjoy it, I will shoot both compound and trad. but my 1st choice is trad. Every trad shooter I know is more then nice, you will find a few that are not but you will anywhere you go, and no matter what they shoot. Compound shooters are the same way, I think if you love archery then its all good