Whatever you do do not let her get together with any other females that are successful huntresses. Before you know it she will be claiming your best treestands, demanding half of the hunting budget for her stuff and you will also wind up being her archery repairman having only half the time you used to have to work on your stuff. Not only that, when you take her on hunting trips she will probably garner way more attention than you and because she is female will find that being patient in a treestand comes naturally and she will wind up killing more and bigger animals than you. She will also make you feel lousy if you shoot anything that is "small", well, smaller than anything she shoots. It is called unintended consequences so be careful what you wish for. In addition, because you have kids you will have to give up half of your hunting time so she has an equal amount of time because someone has to stay home with the kids, cook for them and help with homework. You have a big can of worms on your hands, friend...don't say you haven't been warned.