most of us fletch with either 3 or 4 fletches per arrow. but what about 2. i want to know if anyone has, or knows what will happen if(when) i fletch an arrow with only 2 fletches.
i will be using right helical fletches directly oposing each other. should i glue them to the shaft vertically, horizontally or perhaps diagnally? i ask this as it may interfer with the arrow during the archers pardox like a broadhead can. i would have thought horizontally oposed would be best for this, but then both broadhead and fletches are on the same plain (except that the fletchings are helical), so should it perhaps be opersite to the broardhead (vertical)?, and then how will it react during the arrow bending archers paradox? or should i put the diagnal so the miss the shelf and window?
i would imagine that two straight fletched feathers oposing each other would cause the arrow to plain in flight, but do you think the helical will give enough rotation and therefore quick enough stabilisation to stop plaining?
has anyone tried it? i'd love to hear about it, or see pics.
does anyone have any reasons it won't work? tell me what you think.