"Start with some number 4 nylon serving cut of 10 "es or so.
Now start with basic overhand knots....(the first step in tying your shoe).
one on the facing you, then, working down (or up your pref here but I do like to keep the finish not away from my nock so I go up), one on the back side, I do this 4 times, 4 in front 4 in back....on the last knot, I double the overhand knot and pull tight. Cut your tags appx 1/4" and burn them with a lighter ...they'll burn and start melting...once they are close to burning into the knot I'll mash them into the nock point I just made by wetting my fingers..pretty simple and it works extremely well."
I just untied my old nock and retied two (one above and one below) using the above method. Worked really well. Thanks for the info!