Richie, Where does your bare haft arrow go and what hand do you shoot? I may have missed it in the thread. If I understand correctly your arrow is kicking left? Are you left handed?
Your arrow set-up in the spine calculator is like 40# dynamic spine, and your bow is like 80. Your draw length with that weight bow and standard carbons is just not an easy fit. Here is what you can do to get a base line. Get some good silencers on the bow. Nice heavy ones. Drop down to max 200 gr. on the front. Build out your side plate 1/4" or so past center. That could get you in the ball park. The brass inset will stiffen the shaft more than all point weight so I would stay with that and it may get you 225 on the end. That would get you over 16% FOC and over 600 gr. Bow tuning could get you set with that. I know that is not quite what you are after, but at your weight and draw length that is some serious killing power.
Now to go heavier you can add internal full length weight. I have not used the CE’s, but if they have the same ID as other standard carbons, you could use the GT nock end inserts and weight system. That would offset the front weight and give you arrow weight and a stiffer dynamic spine. Again you will be on the lower side of the
FOC. More FOC will be a little harder. Footing is probably where you want to go. It will stiffen the shaft and provide FOC. I have read some stuff on footing, but not much that really explained its effect overall on arrow dynamic spine and FOC.
One option could be some footing or what ever you would call it when placed at the back of the arrow. That would add nock end weight to stiffen the shaft’s dynamic spice and stiffen the shaft by reducing the flex of the shaft. You get double effect from that where footing the point weakens some by adding point weight and stiffens the shaft by reducing flex. I have never read anything about adding footing to the back of the arrow, but I think in theory it would work. You would lose some FOC.
I am wondering if anyone has ever tried to add footing to the center of the shaft. It would stiffen the center of the bend. It would add centered weight so not shift the FOC much. I have no idea what all that would do, but it does make me wonder. I am thinking it would substantially stiffen the arrow, but could cause some odd flexing stuff, buy crating multiple bending areas rather than one bending area.
You need some specialized help. It is the place to get it. Maybe a second post on footing shafts would help attract the right responses.