Too often to write about, fer sure!
I remember a week where I only saw ONE mammal, and it was a shrew. Them's the breaks, and a smarter hunter probably would have headed to other parts. I am not that smart, add to that, I am lazy and on top of all of that, I am reconnecting to the land just as much as I am trying to hunt, so I don't head to a whole 'nother section all that easily.
The thing to break your brain on (I think if you think too hard that you stand a chance of breaking your brain) is WHY you are not seeing anything. If you are me, you figure that you are doing something intrinsically wrong, like maybe moving too much, smelling too much, being stupid or perhaps breathing. Maybe the mast crop is bad, and I don't know where the good stuff is. Maybe there are other things like water or cover that are lacking. Or maybe I should take those clanky carabiners offa my pack.
High winds in the hardwoods, with the tree limbs gnashing and crashing to the ground make me nervous, and so I guess the deer feel that way too... look in the spruces, but they will likely be nervously bedded and all eyes and ears.
I like camping in the place I hunt, as it allows me a closer feel of the rhythms of the weather and the moods of the land. I can pick my time, see what the critters near camp are doing, and act accordingly. Feel the land, and think like a deer. Take your time, and blend in with the slow motions of the lives of the trees and streams, the rocks and the animals. If you don't see game, at least you will encounter something that will give you a smile during the course of your hunt.