Hunt food, hunt saddles in ridges, hunt trail junctions, hunt inside corners of fields. They tend to pretend as if they are going to put their head down then fake you out and try and catch your movement. They like acorns, and persimmons where available. As far as weather goes cold is king the colder the better. Other than that I see deer no matter if it's cloudy, sunny, a little rain etc. My least productive times are when it's really windy and really rainy because they tend to bed them up however they have to get up to eat sometime. The most important thing though is to always hunt with the wind in your favor because they will smell you and may potentially blow a spot for the whole season if you stink it up. Even though I hunt with the wind in my favor I am still meticulous about washing myself and my clothes to remain as scent free as possible. I use scent free laundry soap and once my clothes dry I put them in a scent free trash bag. The I shower with scent free soap then put my clothes on and spray my boots down with scent killer spray which are kept outside before I enter the woods.