This afternoon was a really great time hunting. With as windy as it was I decided to hunt on the ground with my recurve in a near by blind i had made in the spring. I don't think I was there five minutes and I had deer in the area. And man did the come close! I had one pair come 4 yards away from me and then pass behind me. Later a spike and a small doe came in behind me a just hung out eating 8 yards away from me.
There was about half - hour to 45 minutes of light left and I decided to get up and glass the field from a a small hill that sicks out into the field i cross. I just wanted to see if I could get a look at any bucks that might be in the area. I started glassing and noticed there were two deer about 100 yards from me. I was trying to see if they were bucks when I noticed they were comin my way. And by now I noticed that they were bucks ...and pretty good ones.
I quickly moved to where my bow was so I could get ready because they were gonna pass about 25-30 yards from me. The biggest one..about 17-18 inches wide was in the lead when he stopped about 25 yards from me. I drew and let my arrow fly; watching it in flight I was saying to myself I got him, I got him. But just as the arrow was coming to him I saw it fly over his back, missing him completely. But just barely
I am a little disappointed, but the experience was awesome!! I'll be back out there tomarrow